AIHC Bootcamp

The AI for Healthcare Bootcamp offers Stanford students an unique chance to engage in advanced research at the intersection of AI and healthcare. Students collaborate closely with Postdocs, PhD students from Professor Andrew Ng's lab, the AIMI Center, and faculty members in medicine. We are proud to share that our bootcamp alumni have pursued PhD programs at institutions including MIT, Stanford, UW; led industry efforts at Google Brain, Apple Health, Microsoft Research, Tesla AI; and started AI startups including Valar Labs and Wispr AI. Learn more about the history of AIHC bootcamp here.

Prerequisites and Commitment

The bootcamp is suited for students who have taken machine learning and software engineering courses. Students will be able to apply and sharpen these skills, developing machine learning solutions to challenging problems with the mentorship of postdocs and PhD students and in collaboration with medical faculty. Students have the opportunity to take a deep dive into healthcare and co-author a research paper. We expect students to:

  • Preferably have experience working on deep learning projects
  • Consider the bootcamp as their primary academic engagement and dedicate 25 hours per week. We have preference over students who can commit for two quarters or more. We encourage students to sign up for research credits (CS 199, CS 399, etc).
  • Have taken at least one of CS229, CS230, CS224N, CS231N, or equivalent

Teaching Team

Jeya Maria Jose

Yixing Jiang

Jeremy Irvin

Andrew Ng


Applications for bootcamp starting in the 2024-2025 Spring are now open.

  • Regular Applications due Mar 7 at 11:59p PST.
  • Late Applications due Mar 12 at 11:59p PST. Apply early to give yourself enough time to prepare for the interview.
Apply Now

Collaborating Faculty

Curt Langlotz

Nigam Shah

Matt Lungren

Jeanne Shen

Sanjay Basu

Bhavik Patel

Kristen Yeom

Leanne Williams

Utkan Demirci

Gozde Durmus

Sidhartha Sinha

Catherine Hogan

Sebastian Fernandez-Pol

Yaso Natkunam

Mitchell Rosen

Geoff Tison

David Kim

Andrew Beam

Teaching Team Alumni

Pranav Rajpurkar

Anand Avati

Bootcamp Cohorts

Healthcare Bootcamp Winter 2023-2024

Aakriti Lakshmanan

Alex Kwon

Eish Maheshwari

Melanie Zhang

Healthcare Bootcamp Fall 2023-2024

Jamil Dhanani

Harper Hua

Chih-Ying Liu

Rui Deng

Healthcare Bootcamp Summer 2022-2023

Eva Prakash

Stanley Yang

Rachel Yu

Tanvi Deshpande

Healthcare Bootcamp Spring 2022-2023

Anh Nguyen

Tulika Jha

Healthcare Bootcamp Winter 2022-2023

Andrew Lee

Lucas Pauker

Xiaoyuan Ni

Xiluo He

Healthcare Bootcamp Fall 2021-2022

Aditya Gulati

Alex Donovan

Kathy Yu

Finsam Samson

Sameer Khanna

Vivek Shankar

Vrishab Krishna

Xiaoli Yang

Healthcare Bootcamp Spring 2020-2021

Emily Ross

David Dadey

Healthcare Bootcamp Winter 2020-2021

Cecile Loge

Daniel Michael

Ekin Tiu

Ellie Talius

Niveditha Iyer

Pujan Patel

Raj Palleti

Rehaan Ahmad

Ryan Chi

Tom Jin

Healthcare Bootcamp Fall 2020-2021

Bryan Gopal

Can Liu

Emily Wen

Gautham Raghupathi

Mark Endo

Nhi Truong Vu

Pranav Sriram

Ryan Han

Soham Gadgil

Yujie He

Healthcare Bootcamp Summer 2020

David Liu

Derrick Li

Niranjan Balachandar

Pratham Soni

Richard Wang

Stephanie Zhang

Healthcare Bootcamp Spring 2019-2020

Adriel Saporta

Alex Gui

Alex Ke

Andy Kim

Ishaan Malhi

Kevin Tran

Rayan Krishnan

Siyu Shi

William Ellsworth

Healthcare Bootcamp Winter 2019-2020

Akshay Smit

Dahlia Radif

Damir Vrabac

Jiangshan Li

Oishi Banerjee

Saahil Jain

Viswesh Krishna

Zihan Wang

Healthcare Bootcamp Fall 2019-2020

Anirudh Joshi

Cheuk To Tsui

Ethan Chi

Gordon Chi

Hari Sowrirajan

John Peruzzi

Keyur Mithawala

Michael Zhang

Nick Phillips

Phil Chen

Healthcare Bootcamp Spring 2018-2019

Ashwin Agrawal

Christian Rose

Emma Chen

Jon Braatz

Jose Giron

Kaushik Ram Sadagopan

Rui Aguiar

Yancheng Li

Healthcare Bootcamp Winter 2018-2019

Anuj Pareek

Chris Wang

Jingbo Yang

Mark Sabini

Minh Phu

Nathan Dass

Vinjai Vale

Healthcare Bootcamp Fall 2018-2019

Alex Wang

Amirhossein Kiani

Amit Schechter

Andrew Kondrich

Bora Uyumazturk

Chloe O'Connell

Jason Li

Nishit Asnani

Rebecca Gao

Soumya Patro

Healthcare Law Summer 2018

Bryan Casey

Dan Beksha

James Rathmell

Zach Harned

Healthcare Bootcamp Spring 2017-2018

Behzad Haghgoo

Ben Cohen-Wang

Chris Chute

Joe Lou

Kelly Shen

Meng Zhang

Michael Ko

Nidhi Manoj

Philip Hwang

Robin Cheong

Silviana Ciurea Ilcus

Yifan Yu

Healthcare Bootcamp Winter 2017-2018

Allison Park

Andrew Huang

Atli Kosson

Chris Lin

Erik Jones

Henrik Marklund

Jessica Wetstone

Matthew Sun

Michael Bereket

Nicholas Bien

Norah Borus

Shubhang Desai

Suvadip Paul

Thao Nguyen

Tanay Kothari

Healthcare Bootcamp Fall 2017-2018

Aarti Bagul

Brandon Yang

Daisy Ding

Hershel Mehta

Kaylie Zhu

Tony Duan